Great Black and White Photos Part 3

1. The things that cougth my eye about these photos was the emotion and rawness of them. He did a good job of capturing emotion. I also think the subject in the photos is interesting and it really seems like there is a story to tell about them. The pictures are also taken in foreign countries which makes it more interesting because I've never seen the places they were taken.

2. In the Top photo I can: 

feel:  rough sand on my skin
hear: loud wind howling
see: dry desert terrain and cloudy sky
smell: earthy materials like dirt
taste: grimy dust

    In the bottom photo I can:

feel: the shade of the house protecting the people from the harsh African sun
hear: cries of the baby
see: a woman and her child in Ethiopia
smell: Ethiopian food cooking in the background for the woman and her family
taste: water from the well in the village to keep me hydrated

3. A way I would share this is a "book". My book would be artistic and allow me to express myself as I share great photographers with other people. It would be like a book/scrapbook/brochure that is informative but interesting to look at. I would also make it interactive somehow because it can be  boring for the viewer to just hear a presenter presenting something


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