Post Shoot Reflection

1. A few challenges I had with taking photos for the prompts was that I struggled with finding something that represented happy. I also found it difficult because we had very limited things to shoot.
2. I found myself thinking about focus a lot. I looked at some of my pictures that the subject as not clearly in focus and it made the picture significantly worse. It made the subject unclear and it didn't give the photo depth.
3. if I could do this assignment over again I would try to take more pictures. I went out and didn't take as many pictures as I should have. if I took more pictures it would give me more options to choose from. I would also try to be more aware of the backgrounds I'm placing my subject against.
4. Some things I would do the same is rule of thirds. I looked at some of my pictures that didn't follow the rule very well and it made them look a lot worse opposed to my pictures that did follow the rule.
5. I am not interested in shooting these prompts again because I think more difficult and dynamic prompts would be more fun and interesting to shoot. Prompts that require more thinking tend to show more individualism and expression.


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